As part of our HLF Collecting Cultures project we recruited a team of volunteers to help us list, repackage and number our new acquisitions. One of these new and very exciting acquisitions which we haven't yet mentioned on the blog is our Clive King Collection. King's collection came to us in 2015 and our hard working volunteer Jonathan Oscher has been creating detailed box lists of what we have. Here is Jonathan's insight and overview of the collection so far:
Clive King, author of the immortal Stig of the Dump, has left a collection of manuscripts, letters and cuttings to Seven Stories. To classify and list the contents of all
these boxes has been a long, though very absorbing, task with each box
providing a new historical insights. In
fact the sheer volume of correspondence means that the archive provides a value
over and above that of simply being a record of Clive King’s long literary
career – impressive thought that is.
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First Edition of Clive King's Stig of the Dump with illustration by Edward Ardizzone. Photography © Seven Stories - The National Centre for Children's Books
It allows the reader or researcher a fascinating glimpse into the ebbs and flows of the literary world in the sixties, seventies and eighties. Hence there are letters from legendary figures in or around the industry such as Lawrence Pollinger, Biddy Baxter and Kaye Webb. There are the royalty and advance figures. Even the procession of old letterheads and typefaces give a good history lesson.
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One thing that becomes
abundantly clear from a long reading of the contents of the archive is just how
incredibly demanding publishers are (and seemingly have always been) with
regard to the contents – particularly the factual contents – of children’s
books. In 1960 the American publishers Harper & Bros actually
rejected Stig of the Dump because of the final chapter set on Midsummer’s night
in which Barney and his sister Lou are transported back to Stig’s own time.
Harper & Bros, clearly uncomfortable with the direct reference to time
travel stated, in a letter, that here the story ‘grew weak, confused and
unclear’. That same chapter, however, is now an integral part of the
book’s charm and appeal.
On the same topic, Kaye Webb – the legendary publishing brain behind
the Puffin children’s label – writes to Clive King in 1965:
I really
don’t think, Clive, that you, as a creative author, quite appreciate the amount
of fussing over detail which has to be done with a child’s book. ...
For instance an absolutely crackingly good book called THE CHILDREN was
rejected out of hand in Australia because the author put a lyre bird in the
wrong part of Australia and all the people who recommend children’s books ...
took it off their lists because of this.
In December 1974, by the same token, Clive King received a letter from
Patrick Hardy of Kestrel Books with no fewer than twenty suggestions for change
in the book he had submitted for publication, Me and My Millions. Point two of the twenty suggestions reads a
little bizarrely : ‘I am a little unhappy about the transvestite
element in the angels.’
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- Jonathan Oscher,
Seven Stories volunteer
Look out for further snippets of the Clive King Collection in later blog posts.
If you'd like to find out more about the Seven Stories Collection, then
email: or phone: 0191 495 2707 or comment on this blog.
Seven Stories was able to support the acquisition of the Clive King collection through support from a Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Collecting Cultures’ grant. This has been awarded to Seven Stories in recognition of the museum’s national role in telling a comprehensive story of modern British children’s literature. For more information on our HLF Collecting Cultures project see:
Seven Stories was able to support the acquisition of the Clive King collection through support from a Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Collecting Cultures’ grant. This has been awarded to Seven Stories in recognition of the museum’s national role in telling a comprehensive story of modern British children’s literature. For more information on our HLF Collecting Cultures project see: